scriptrunner - How to get Groups name based on project key?

Qi Jiang October 4, 2017

I have project name ABC, how to get all the groups which currently have access to ABC? 

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Rising Star
Rising Star
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October 4, 2017
Qi Jiang October 4, 2017

Will you give me a sample?


I was trying with code below, but no returns:

import com.atlassian.jira.component.ComponentAccessor

def project = ComponentAccessor.projectManager.getProjectObjByKey("ABC")
def result = "Groups that have Browse Project Permission for project ${project.key} <br>"
result + ComponentAccessor.permissionManager.getAllGroups(Permissions.BROWSE, project)?.collect { }?.join("<br>")
Rising Star
Rising Star
Rising Stars are recognized for providing high-quality answers to other users. Rising Stars receive a certificate of achievement and are on the path to becoming Community Leaders.
October 4, 2017

Sorry I am not sure why it does not return anything. (not an expert coder)

I tried the below and it does return one group name.

def groups = ComponentAccessor.permissionManager.getAllGroups(Permissions.BROWSE, project)

return groups[0].name


Qi Jiang October 4, 2017

Do you have any sample for:

Collection<com.atlassian.crowd.embedded.api.Group> getAllGroups(int permissionId,
                                                                Project project)
Darshan.VPrasad October 31, 2022

Did that getallgroups calling work for you?

If yes, can share the sample?

Darshan.VPrasad November 1, 2022
import com.atlassian.jira.component.ComponentAccessor

def projects = ComponentAccessor.getProjectManager()
def pm = ComponentAccessor.getPermissionManager()

projects.getProjectObjects().each() { k ->
//log.error k.key
def gl = pm.getAllGroups(0, k)


I did like this but its returning the empty list

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