how to find Insight objects updated in last 1 day using rest api call

srinath dayala August 3, 2018

How to find Insight objects updated in last 1 day using rest api all

1 answer

1 vote
Zihni Saglam September 6, 2018

Hi Srinath,

Say you want to find the objects with object id 29 and objectschema with id 1, which are updated the last day, you would enter:


So the last part is the same IQL that you use to filter the objects. "Updated > (-1d)"


srinath dayala September 26, 2018

Thank you Zihni for your answer. And you know how to find the objects updated by specific user?

Zihni Saglam September 27, 2018

Hi Srinath. 

At the moment this is not possible unfortunately with the Insight REST API, you are welcome to create a feature request for future product enhancements. 


srinath dayala September 27, 2018

Hi Zihni,

Thank you for your reply. 

Is it ( i mean to get the updated objects by a specific user) possible with IQL? If yes, please share the IQL. 



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