XRAY JSON: Import execution result with multiple scenarios only loads the first one

Pedro Garcia Sanchez February 3, 2022


I'm trying to import the execution report from an issue of "Test Execution" type in JIRA-XRAY.
I do the upload of a json (that comes from cluecumber-report-plugin) with 1 feature that contains 4 scenarios, but only the first one is loaded, so that the representation in the "Results" section only shows 1 general failure, and after that, the steps of the first scenario only, which are all in green because the scenario went OK.

The general failure occurs because the 3 missing scenarios went wrong:Captura de pantalla 2022-02-03 123213.png

So it is no possible to see the results of these 3 scenarios. 

My question is: should I match 1 Xray Test with only 1 scenario? i.e., split my XRAY test into 4, and put one scenario in each test. Or there is a way to keep my current way and I am  missing some action?



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Rogério Paiva - Xray Xporter
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February 14, 2022

Hi @Pedro Garcia Sanchez 

In Xray, each cucumber test (scenario) must match one Xray Test issue.

If you have several examples (Scenario Outline) for the same scenario, you can have all the results in the same Xray Test case. However, different scenarios must be created in various Test issues.

Please contact Xray Support (http://Xraysupport.getXray.app) if you need further help.

Thank you.

Kind regards,
Rogerio Paiva [Xray Support Team]

Pedro Garcia Sanchez February 14, 2022

Thanks a lot, Rogerio. That's what I needed to know.

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