Using a formula column to find data in comments!

June 27, 2024

Hi all, 

Sure that this can / has been done on the forum, so apologies in advance. 

We are looking to provide a formula column that searches comments and weeds out those that are made by an automated tool, in this instance a. gerrit commit logger. Would like to find comments that contain a user, and then find a specific message in that comment for the last message, or even better based on a string that was found. 

By way of example, we have a message from: 

bot-gerrit-logger (jira name)

In the message, it would read https://klslslslmslslsl/+/12345

project: this/it/my/project

repo: this/is/my/branch

I'm looking to hoover this data so we can flag issues that have defects committed to them.

For the output, I would like to use the http: ref and create a short url and put the project and repo comment into the output. if there is more than one instance, then the last message would be good, but bonus if anyone can get render this all out in a list for each with the date to differentiate and a new line per comment instance. :-)


Thanks in advance

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