Using Calculated Number Field - Cascading Select List

Eric Vincent
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May 22, 2017

I am using the Calculated Number Field to calculate a sum based on the values of a Cascading Select List.  I am using the following code in a Calculated Number Field:

<!-- @@Formula:

var casOption1 = issue.get("customfield_14001").get(null);
var casOption2 = issue.get("customfield_14001").get("1");

var WouldHave = "Would Have";
var GeneralFeedback = "General Feedback";

int casval1 = 0;
int casval2 = 0;
int progress = 0;

var value1 = casOption1;
log.error("The value for the first option is " + value1);

var value2 = casOption2;
log.error("The value for the second option is " + value2);

if (casOption1.equals(WouldHave)) {
casval1 = 1;

if (casOption2.equals(GeneralFeedback)) {
casval2 = 2;

int progress = casval1 + casval2;
return progress;


In the logs I get:

2017-05-22 11:23:17,347 http-nio-8080-exec-19 uri:/jira/secure/ProjectIssueNavi...%21issueViewWithSidebar.jspa username:ericv ERROR ericv 683x237003x1 ajkb4x, /browse/FBI-177397 [c.i.jmcf.fields.CalculatedNumberField] The value for the first option is Would Have
2017-05-22 11:23:17,348 http-nio-8080-exec-19 uri:/jira/secure/ProjectIssueNavi...%21issueViewWithSidebar.jspa username:ericv ERROR ericv 683x237003x1 ajkb4x, /browse/FBI-177397 [c.i.jmcf.fields.CalculatedNumberField] The value for the second option is General Feedback

It seems like the code is correct but the IF statements (casOption1.equals(WouldHave)) and (casOption2.equals(GeneralFeedback)) are not setting the value in casval1 or casval2 even though the logs are saying these are equal to what I have specified.

Is there anything special that needs to be done with these IF statements for cascading select lists?  Thank you.

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Alex Koxaras _Relational_
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September 8, 2022

Hi @Eric_Vincent 

I don't know if you have already found a solution, but perhaps this could help you. Single select fields usually have options. And I think that you can't simply set the variable equal to something else. You have to set the option.

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