Upgraded Zephyr - Previous test executions don't display

Jessica Sullivan
Rising Star
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November 10, 2014

Anyone else having this issue or know how to fix it?

We upgraded to Zephyr and are on JIRA version 6.3.9

I go to Tests > Plan Test Cycle and expand a Test Cycle that already existed before the upgrade. I click on the "E" to open up an execution and get a blank page. If instead of clicking on the "E" I click on the name of the test cycle to get the list of test cases in that cycle and then from there click on the "E" the test execution opens fine. This does not happen for every test cycle that already existed. And it does not happen for every test execution in every test cycle. To make it even more frustrating, sometime an execution will display and sometimes it won't.

After the upgrade I would click on an execution and get an error page so we did a re-index Zephyr for JIRA and this is the current issue.

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Swapna Kumar Vemula _Zephyr_
Rising Star
Rising Star
Rising Stars are recognized for providing high-quality answers to other users. Rising Stars receive a certificate of achievement and are on the path to becoming Community Leaders.
December 17, 2014

Hi JS,

Mostly this issue is identified when there are more executions for a particular cycle and after sorting by execution status or executedBy or executedOn fields. Sometimes this works fine if you re-login your instance.

Our latest version of Zephyr for JIRA is out which has a fix for this issue. So, we suggest you to plan for an upgrade to latest versions.

Kindly see the link below in order to refer the related announcement regarding the same 

Kind Regards,

Swapna Kumar Vemula

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