Tempo server API not working for worklog as of 2nd aug 2018

Deekshith August 2, 2018

While reading the official tempo documentation for getting worklogs through apis, I found this url. But, when I entered this link its saying,


Oops, you've found a dead link.


Did Tempo update its api recently? If so, can you please share the documentation for the same.

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Steven Madrigal
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August 2, 2018

I was having the exact same issue and looked through Tempo Timesheets' Release Notes and found this: https://tempo-io.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/TEMPO/pages/165249146/2018-05-01+Action+required+for+APIs

I was able to resolve my issue following those steps. Hope that helps you!

Deekshith August 2, 2018

@Steven Madrigal thanks a lot for the reply. It works fine.

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