[TEMPO] How2 add the Tempo Work Log on a Jira Workflow Screen?

Joe F. Lee April 21, 2013

We just purchased TEMPO 7.5.3 and installed it on Jira 5.1.2.

Until now we had the Jira Work Log form embedded on the different workflow Screens to allow changing the status, writing a comment and booking time all at once.

We like to do the same now with the Tempo Work Log form. The use of the original Jira Work Log Form is no longer pratical as it does not allow us to mark the time as (non)billable. I have found the instructions to disable the original Jira Work logs but the still appear on the screens. Deleting them would be the next step but how can I get the Tempo worklog onto the screens?



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Viðar Svansson [Tempo]
Rising Star
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April 21, 2013

Hi Joe,

Unfortunately we have not solved this already but there is an issue you can watch to track progress: https://tempoplugin.jira.com/browse/JTMPO-361


Joe F. Lee April 21, 2013

Thanks Viðar,

I have added my vote to the ticket.



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