Switch from one status to another automatically

Samir Hamroun September 21, 2023

I try to Switch from one status to another automatically using automation

Valeur de champ modifiée


Champs dont il faut surveiller les changements*
Type de changement*
N'importe quel changement apporté à la valeur de champ
Faire transiter le ticket

Sélectionnez l'état vers lequel transitionner le ticket :

État de la destination
the automate that i use have to do following:
When I addd value Yes to field accepted, my task ahev to change state to accepted 
but seems don't work

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Kseniia Trushnikova
Community Leader
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September 21, 2023

Hi @Samir Hamroun,

Please share a screenshot of your Automation rule so we can view its configuration and better understand the issue.

Samir Hamroun September 21, 2023



I hope that give you a good idea 






Kseniia Trushnikova
Community Leader
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September 21, 2023

@Samir Hamroun, thanks!

I believe that the issue occurs because of the option Pour Faire transiter le ticket in the trigger configuration. Leave the field Pour empty and let me know if it helps.

Currently the rule only runs when the field Accepted is changed during some transitions.

Samir Hamroun September 21, 2023


I get a error if i let field emplty !

Kseniia Trushnikova
Community Leader
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Community Leaders are connectors, ambassadors, and mentors. On the online community, they serve as thought leaders, product experts, and moderators.
September 21, 2023

@Samir Hamroun, no, don’t clear the first field. Set there Accepted again.

Clear only the third field Pour where you have Faire transiter le ticket, just remove this value. This should work.

Samir Hamroun September 22, 2023

Kseniia Trushnikova


Thank you, it's workautomation_transfert_State.PNG

I appeciate your help

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