Structure formula to mark parent issues that have children linked to a a capability

Lean Li
February 26, 2024



I'm trying to find a way to mark parent features in my Structure that have any children that are linked to a capability.

Currently my formula looks like this and it marks the linked issues nicely (=shows the text "Capability link") with but it doesn't show the text on the parent issue:

WITH markissues = issueLinks.FILTER($.type = "Contribute" AND $.source = this AND $.destination = "KEY-2021"):

IF markissues.SIZE() > 0: "Capability link"

Any idea on what the formula should be to be able to apply this logic in the whole hierarchy? Thank you very much in advance!

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Stepan Kholodov _Tempo_
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February 26, 2024

Hello @Lean Li 

The formula depends on how your structure is built. If, for example, you have the following setup:
- features are placed on the top level of the structure;
- their linked issues are placed under them;
- the fformula works with the linked issues and returns 'Capability link' for any of them have the 'Contribute' link to KEY-2021

and your goal is to return some sort of an indicator for each feature, that have sub-issues with 'Capability link' marks, then you can edit your formula this way:

WITH markissues = issueLinks.FILTER($.type = "Contribute" AND $.source = this AND $.destination = "KEY-2021").size():

if issuetype != "Feature" and markissues > 0: "Capability link" else
if issuetype = "Feature" and sum#strict{issueLinks.FILTER($.type = "Contribute" AND $.source = this AND $.destination = "KEY-2021").size()}>0: "mark"

I hope this helps. If you need further assistance or have other questions about Structure, please reach out to us directly at our support portal and we'll get back to you shortly.

Best regards,
Tempo (the Structure app vendor)

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