Some of our Scrum masters have the Start Sprint button Grey out (unavailable) why?

PJB April 4, 2023

This happens from time to time, to a few of our scrum masters.
They are not able to access the start sprint function. The button is greyed out, not available.
They are Admin access to the project IDs AND have Admin access to the Scrum board.

Thank you for helping out.

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Mikael Sandberg
Community Leader
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April 4, 2023

You should look at the filter that the board is using where the button is grayed out. If the filter spans multiple projects and the scrum master only have permissions to manage sprints in one project, this is expected. If the filter spans multiple project you need to have manage sprint permissions in all the projects.

PJB April 5, 2023

Thank you for that information. We did know that fact already. 

Here is new information  and possible root cause.  You need to have permissions to ALL projects in the query/board BEFORE the sprint is created. 

Thanks for responding.   The creator and their backup person has to have all project permissions. That is the issue, Scrum masters on vacation need someone to start their next sprint for them. 

Does that sound right?



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