Smart value field in sub-task not pulling due date data through

Georgie Hepworth
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August 1, 2018

I have set up an automation rule for the creation of an issue to trigger the creation of a sub-task. I have then set this sub-task to have a smart value in the due date field, to take the due date of the parent issue and minus 7 days using:


When I run the rule by creating the issue type with a due date, the sub-task is created but it has no due date field. When I query where the due date field is I get the message: 

"The field 'Due date' does not have value for issue DCOM-73 and will not be displayed on the view issue page. Set value for that field so that it shows up."

Why is the smart value field not pulling the date through? Thanks in advance!

automation set up.PNGsubtask with no duedate.PNG


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Deleted user August 1, 2018

Hey there Georgie,

Yeah it can be a bit confusing but when you use the "issue" in smart values, it refers to the issue that's in the current context (e.g. in this case, the issue triggering it) so issue.parent will actually try to find the parent of the "Broadcast" issue that just got created.

In your case, setting the due date of the subtask to:


should work. Let us know how you go!


Mark C

Georgie Hepworth
I'm New Here
I'm New Here
Those new to the Atlassian Community have posted less than three times. Give them a warm welcome!
August 2, 2018

Success! Thank you Mark!

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