Seperating Comments by a new line within an Excel cell?

Robert Riemann
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June 17, 2021


I'm creating an xporter template to export a list of issues: we need it as an exchange format/tool to discuss with people outside of our organisation who do not have access to our Jira.

In this export I need to include the comments. To do so, I put an Iteration for the comments of the currently handled issue with in one cell.

That looks like this:

#{for comments}

In order to make this more easily to read and to follow make the "history" visible, I would like to have a new line after each comment. I.e. I would like to have somethng like this:

#{for comments}
${Comments[n].Body} \newline

 Unfortunately, I haveno isdea how to specify the "newline" such that it really produces a new line.

Is there a way to obtain the described behaviuor?


Thanks for any hint, idea or information that this possible.

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Rogério Paiva - Xray Xporter
Rising Star
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June 25, 2021

Hi @Robert Riemann 

Please place each code line in different cells.


Cell 1: #{for comments}
Cell 2: ${Comments[n].Body}
Cell 3: #{end}

With this approach, it will create a new row for each comment.

Kind regards,
Rogério Paiva [Xporter Support Team]

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