Script to find users with no groups assigned

Scott Rosenblatt
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August 13, 2018


I am looking for assistance in running something in Scriptrunner (as I don't have direct DB access) to identify all users who are not in any groups. 

I found this, however it doesn't appear to work with my Jira v7.8.


Thanks in advance!

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Kian Stack Mumo Systems
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August 13, 2018

To accomplish, please perform the following: 

Navigate to "Administraton">"Add Ons">"Script Console"

import com.atlassian.jira.component.ComponentAccessor
import com.atlassian.jira.user.util.UserUtil

UserUtil userUtil = ComponentAccessor.getUserUtil()

result = ''

userUtil.getUsers().findAll{userUtil.getGroupsForUser(it.getName()).size() == 0}.each{ u ->
result += + "\r\n"



From the link that you provided, I was able to get this running and working. It gave me all usernames that do not have a group attached.

It did throw a couple of warning about deprecated classes, but it seemed to work.

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