Redmine jira import fails a lot

Joong Lee
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December 22, 2012
This happens a lot. After selecting a project or two to import from redmine the application sits for a while (5 to 10 mins) then presents custom fields to import then prompts me to login as an admin. Login then a new dialog box pops up and indicates the previous action failed with retry button. Clicking that retry button sends me to the admin page. When works properly it doesn't prompt and goes to the secreen where I can map statuses and other fields to JIRA and etc. I have had success of making it working properly after JIRA reboot but is not consistent. What could be causing this?

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Atlassian Team
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December 23, 2012

seems you mentioned JIRA prompt for admin password after 5 - 10 minutes, you may want to increase the timeout of websudo(the prompt message) as according to this documentation section.

If you're using JIRa 4.4 or above, kindly input the following code in the if not exist in the root of home directory) and restart after that:

jira.websudo.timeout = 10

If you're using JIRA prior to 4.4, you can edit the at $jira-install/atlassian-jira/WEB-INF/classes and restart after that.

Joong Lee
I'm New Here
I'm New Here
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December 23, 2012

Yes, that was it. Before I knew you answered this, I found this solution via googling the error message "Administrative Retry". I created with this property with timeout set to 30 minutes, and viola the problem gone.

You have confirmed what I found.


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