
Ron DuBois November 7, 2014

We recently upgraded to JIRA 50-user tier and would like to re-evaluate the Gantt-Chart add-on. May we please have another 30-day evaluation license?

2 answers

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Ron DuBois November 10, 2014

Greatly appreciated!

I will need to get up to speed with this as I already have a project with several hundred tasks defined in JIRA.

Hopefully, everything works out as I have several upcoming projects this year that we will require Gantt-Charts for PM.

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Frank Polscheit
Rising Star
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November 10, 2014

You can download my latest version of Gantt-Chart pre-v3.1.6 for JIRA 6.x from my server at and install it via "upload" button on page "manage add-ons" as system administrator.

Please delete the expired license key to set the state of the add-on back into "unlicenced" on page "manage add-ons" as system admin and reload page (hit F5) afterwards: now, you should see the button "try" again. Hit "try" to retrieve another 30-day free evaluation license key. Due to obvious reasons, Atlassian Marketplace counts that re-evaluations but this should not be a problem in your case.

Kind regards,

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