Looking to send a ticket's assignee into a linked ticket's custom field

March 30, 2022

Hello all!

Whenever a ticket is assigned, I want to a particular ticket's assignee be stored into a linked ticket's custom field. So far, I have set something which sort of works, but it takes the linked ticket's assignee instead of the trigger ticket's.

This is the query but I need to make it refer to the triggerissue somehow (I tried adding 'triggerissue.' prior to the text but it didn't work. Can you please guide me through? My knowledge in JSON is also limited :)

"update": {
"customfield_23984": [{
"add": {{assignee.accountId.asJsonObject("id")}}




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Martin Bayer _MoroSystems_ s_r_o__
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March 30, 2022

Hi @sergio.peschiera welcome on the community. Can you share the screenshots of your automation configuration please? I will try to test it...

March 30, 2022

absolutely, adding now. and thanks!

Martin Bayer _MoroSystems_ s_r_o__
Community Leader
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March 30, 2022

Cool, I just checked the documentation and {{triggerIssue}} smart value should exist. Can you try to use following smart value?

  •  {{ triggerIssue.assignee.accountId.asJsonObject("id") }}
Martin Bayer _MoroSystems_ s_r_o__
Community Leader
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April 1, 2022

Hi @sergio.peschiera did you have any chance to check if it works?

April 1, 2022

it did, thanks Martin!

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