Jira query in Cloud version to get the stories from the epics with a specific fixversion

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March 5, 2024

In other words 

( issuetype = story ) WHERE the Epic's 'Fixversion' = xyz

I am using a Cloud version of Jira 

Many thanks in advance

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Nikola Perisic
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March 6, 2024

Welcome to the community @pittu.antony !

This can be divided into two separate queries:

1. Finding epics within the specific fixversion

project = X AND issuetype = Epic AND fixVersion = 'Y'

2. Find stories linked to the epics from step 1

project = X AND issuetype = Story AND "Epic Link" in ("Epic Key 1", "Epic Key 2", ...)

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March 6, 2024

That is a great idea. Thanks Perisic.

But I want this query to run for many projects across all the teams, which will result in a big number of Epics.
So that will make the step 2 a bit harder as there will be too much manual entries for Epics IDs. 

So any workaround to address the above mentioned challenge.
Many thanks in advance

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