JWT Post-Function "Transition issue", using "Execute Transition with parsed text"

Guy Incognito September 15, 2023

Hi all,

I'm trying to setup an 'agnostic' automated transition from issue to Epic:

  • given that I have a Closed Epic
  • and the Epic workflow has a "Reopen" transition
  • when I create a new issue inside that Epic
  • then I want JWT post function "Transition issue" to automatically execute the "Reopen" transition in the Epic workflow

I already managed to do so, but on a project-specific way, i.e. I have to manually select the reopen transition in the picker.

Instead, I'd like the called transition to be agnostic of the project, so that I can create new projects by copying a 'master project', and have this functionality immediately work, without having to manually change the JWT automated transition params to match the new project Epic workflow.

I've noticed that JWT has an option to "Set transition manually (parser expression)", also displayed as "Execute Transition with parsed text", that uses basic text.

It specifies: "The expression must return a transition name."

So I tried to use these names:

  1. "Reopen" (with and without double quotes)
  2. "Reopen (171)" (where 171 is the transition id, tried with and without double quotes)
  3. "XXX Epic workflow_X_X_171" (where XXX Epic Workflow is the name of the Epic workflow, I got this value by inspecting the select option value of the update page, and again tried with and without double quotes)
  4. "XXX+Epic+workflow_X_X_171" (same as 3 but replacing spaces with + sign, which is exactly the value that is passed through POST)

None of the above worked. When I try to create an issue inside the closed Epic, I always get this error: "We can't create this issue for you right now, it could be due to unsupported content you've entered into one or more of the issue fields. If this situation persists, contact your administrator as they'll be able to access more specific information in the log file."

I found no documentation about how this name should be configured. Any hints?


Thanks in advance!

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Vicente Domínguez _Decadis AG_
Rising Star
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September 15, 2023

Hello @Guy Incognito ,

I am part of the Decadis Support Team and I will help you with this problem.

If I understood correctly, an independent workflow for each project is being used and the Transition issue post function is placed on the Create transition of each workflow to reopen the Epic when a new issue under it is created. Please, correct me if I guessed anything wrong.

Apart from a confirmation of this assumption, we will need some more information to reproduce the problem. Could you share some more details with us?

  • Is the post function placed after the Creates issue originally post function?
  • Could you share a screenshot of the post function with us?
  • Does the post function work as expected when the transition is selected directly (not writing its name)? Does the error disappear in that case?

Could you create a ticket in our Support Service Desk to continue with this issue? It would allow our team to collaborate more freely on this issue. If not, we will gladly continue in this post.

Best regards,


Guy Incognito September 15, 2023

Hi Vicente,


Yes, your initial assumptions are correct.


I'll provide the additional details:

  • Yes, "Creates issue originally" is the first post function of this transition
  • pf.png
  • Yes, when I select the transition manually it works properly: I open the transitions select picker, I type "Reopen" and scroll down until I find the correct workflow reopen transition. When I select it, and press Update, I've detected that the POST value sent to JIRA is "[...]+Epic+workflow_X_X_171"
    • one notice: I can't share the full workflow name as it contains a real customer data, but I can tell you it contains an opening and closing parenthesis, not sure if this might be related to my problem

Thanks a lot for your help!

Guy Incognito September 15, 2023


This is a screenshot from within the update page of the post function, in case you need it

Vicente Domínguez _Decadis AG_
Rising Star
Rising Star
Rising Stars are recognized for providing high-quality answers to other users. Rising Stars receive a certificate of achievement and are on the path to becoming Community Leaders.
September 15, 2023

Hello @Guy Incognito,

I could reproduce the problem by entering an incorrect transition name into the field. If possible, we would like that you test some approaches in that direction.

  • Could you enter the name of the transition without quotation marks considering the white spaces and capital letters? Please, be wary of additional white spaces.
  • Could you add a Delayed execution of 5000 milliseconds to the Transition issue post function?
  • If you select the mode Transition to status and select the status, does it work as expected?

Would this resolve your problem?

Best regards,


Guy Incognito September 15, 2023

Hi @Vicente Domínguez _Decadis AG_ ,


I double checked the case of the transition name due to your remark, and found out that indeed there's a difference, ReOpen Vs. Reopen.

I changed it and now it works :)

I also found out what I was looking for in first instance, i.e. that the Transition name field, when filled by an expression, has to be a Basic text reproducing the _exact_ name of the transition, case included, and nothing else. I.e. the transition id and the belonging workflow aren't needed.

I guess that JWT automatically retrieves the correct workflow based on the configuration of the project to which the returned issues belong. So in my case, JWT is 'smart enough' as to understand that my Epics belong to project XXX, and looks for the specified transition name inside that project's associated workflow

It would be nice to add a small piece of documentation based on this ticket discoveries to the JWT Transition Issue page, so that other JWT users may benefit from it and avoid raising similar questions in the future. I leave that to you.

Many thanks for your help!

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