JMWE post function "Transition Parent Issue Post-function" and Condition Execution All subtask Done

Fiqi Ferdiansyah July 11, 2023

hi community,

i have a problem, on main ticket and subtask, in JMWE post function "Transition Parent Issue Post-function"
where in 1 ticket, when I have more than 1 subtask, the main ticket doesn't go to the final status which is "Passed"

is there a groovy script in Conditional execution to create a condition where if all the subtasks have been done, the main ticket is also done?

Can someone help with the syntax for the Conditional execution in JMWE ?. Thank you 

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David Fischer
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July 12, 2023

Hi @Fiqi Ferdiansyah 

you can use something like this:

parentIssue.subTaskObjects.every{it.key == issue.key || it.get("status").name == "Closed"}

You'll just need to replace "Closed" with the name of the "done" status of sub-tasks. 

Fiqi Ferdiansyah July 12, 2023

hi @David Fischer 


yes it works, thank you very much for the advice given

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