Insight LDAP import improperly includes two domains

Jon Hill August 6, 2018

I have an Active Directory forest with three domains:

- a.lan

- b.lan

- c.b.lan


I've defined an Insight object type called Groups that has three sub child object types, one for each domain.

I can import a.lan easily enough by specifying ldaps://a.lan and setting DC=a,DC=lan as the BaseDN.

But if I try to import b.lan (with URL of ldaps://b.lan and baseDN of DC=b,DC=lan), my import task also pulls in records from c.b.lan, which is an entirely different domain.  I haven't seen this behavior before in any other LDAP tool, which suggests that the Riada implementation is either buggy or, um, novel.


I can't specify a search filter like !(ou:dn:c.b.lan) because AD doesn't allow wildcard searches on distinguishedName.  I could create six or seven separate import jobs for different OUs (setting selector to OU=firstOU for one, and OU=secondOU for another), but then I wouldn't be able to use the Missing objects directive to flag records that have disappeared.

I'm going to try authenticating with a userid that only has permission for the b.lan domain.  Hopefully that will do it.  Any other ideas would be appreciated.

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