How to create a common pattern for Windows and Linux machine in Insight Discovery v3.0.3.1?

Priyesh Naik
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November 17, 2021

Hi Folks,

I am new to this community and this is my first query, so kindly correct me if my understandings are wrong.

Query: I want to create a common pattern that will get executed for Linux and windows servers. I don't have issue with maitaining diff pattern file only if there is any way to inherit logic (method or class of C# code) of the main pattern file.

Can someone please pin point me to such a tech documentation atleast?


1 answer

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XXX November 18, 2021

That's not the best approach. You should use different settings for IP ranges. But, if you want to execute the same command on Linux and Windows, maybe you would need a common runtime on bother s.o., for example PowerShell, Python, etc.

Priyesh Naik
I'm New Here
I'm New Here
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November 18, 2021

Hi @[Inetum] ,

Thank you for checking this issue.

I don't have any logic which required to be run in this pattern.

I am trying to create a Post-Process kind of pattern that will have file handling mechanism on the current machine ex. csv file merge.

I don't want to make this pattern target server type specific but it should be common.

Let me know if you are not able to understand the problem.

Thanks again. Good Day !

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