How do I trigger an automation when the issues are created from advanced roadmap

Ron Chipman April 18, 2021

I have some automation setup to "update" epics and stories with key fields from their parent issues upon creation.  However, the automations are not running when the issue is created from advanced roadmaps.

To validate, I have sync'd the epic story, ensured all the fields are laid out, and then sync'd over the story independently.  The audit log states that the rule didn't make any changes (it ran, but one of the conditions failed).

I run the same automation manually, and it works as expected.  

Somehow, JIRA isn't recognizing that the story issue is being 'created', and thus doesn't fire.

Can we have a trigger on "Created/Updated by Advanced Roadmap" so we can isolate those updates from normal, day-to-day, updates?  Otherwise, it will constantly be running.

3 answers

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Gulshan Kirat March 23, 2022

Hi @Ron Chipman 

I found this thread trying to figure out why my automations to update the parent Initiative did not run using the Parent in automations. 

I appreciate your breakdown for the two different interpretations of "Parent".

Were you ever able to figure out how to make this work? Or how did you get around this issue? 

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Ron Chipman April 18, 2021

Screen Shot 2021-04-18 at 8.08.20 PM.pngScreen Shot 2021-04-18 at 8.04.03 PM.pngScreen Shot 2021-04-18 at 8.03.44 PM.pngScreen Shot 2021-04-18 at 8.03.38 PM.png

John Funk
Community Leader
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April 20, 2021

Maybe add a Re-fetch issue action prior to the If condition.

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Ron Chipman April 20, 2021

Thanks John.  Let me give that a run today.  That sounds like that might work.

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Ron Chipman April 21, 2021

Ok, here is the screen shot of the rule and the audit log having run after putting in the refetch.

As you can see, it successfully executes the If...then block, and completes 1 (assignee) of the 6+ tasks in the action statement , but declares that it cannot find an issue to use to update the other fields.

This is baffling, because, one of the criteria in the If...then is, "Is there a parent link".  So, if there IS a parent link, then why can it not find the values to leverage ? 


Screen Shot 2021-04-21 at 7.47.22 AM.png

Ron Chipman April 21, 2021

Screen Shot 2021-04-21 at 7.53.55 AM.png

Here we can see the epic in the plan, with the initiative record listed as the 'parent'.  You can also see this same record when looking at the issue screen for the epic.

Ron Chipman April 21, 2021

I think I may have figured out what's going on.  

In JIRA (Automation), "PARENT" = an issue type that houses a sub-task.  So, when we say, 'Copy from the Parent' it is looking for that issue->sub-task relationship.  It does not find it, therefore doesn't execute.


In Advanced Roadmap, "PARENT" = a specific issue link type of "Parent".  However, in Automation, when you go to find the 'parent linked' issue, the link type of "Parent" is not an option.

It appears that Atlassian has not fully integrated these two functions together (Advanced Roadmap & Automation).

Please let me know if I am mis-interpreting anything, but this seems to be the only way I can validate what I am seeing.

Ron Chipman April 21, 2021

I did notice for the 'stories' created from roadmap, when I inserted the "re-fetch" action, it worked as expected.  So, your recommendation there is accurate (thank you), but to my point above, there is a bigger issue going on when you have hierarchical parent-child relationships that are not issue-subissue related.

John Funk
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April 21, 2021

I think you are interpreting that correctly. When you setup Initiatives, you are creating linkage (and thereby hierarchy for the Plan) using an issue link type - typically Depends on or Blocks. 

See which one you are using and then maybe base the condition on linked issues with that particular type instead of Parent. 

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John Funk
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April 18, 2021

Hey Ron - are there other conditions in your rule after the initial trigger for new issue created?

Can you share the Audit Log where it fires and does nothing? 

Ron Chipman April 18, 2021

I posted screen shots below.  You can see the feedback in the audit log.  It passes the criteria (which includes validating that there is a parent link present), but then tells you that it can't update certain fields because it can't find the parent info to append.

You can see the vast number of records that didn't get anything updated.

Then, I gave you a screen shot of the actual workflow.

I updated the one that updates the stories from the epic, by changing it from 'issue created' to 'issue updated'.  For whatever reason that works, but it works too well, as it fires multiple times as there are 3-4 updates that occur on the original post from advanced roadmap.

This approach doesn't work for the epics under initiatives, because, again, it just doesn't recognize the parent link (fast enough?) .

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