How can I automatically log work in Greenhopper?

John Price
Rising Star
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July 12, 2011

I am just starting on Greenhopper and we were going to try to just use the original estimates rather than work logging (to reduce overhead). What I was hoping was:

* set original estimate

* when closing ticket, GH sets remaining estimate to zero (this works)

* burndown chart shows the hours burned down.

Instead, burndown charts are flat. GH seems to log a dummy 1 minute work log. Do I need to tell the team to start logging work in detail, or is there a way to make this happen on close? Example:

Original Est: 4 hours

* drag to done

* Sets Remaining Est. to 0 hours

* Logs 4 hours work to make the burndown correct

If this isn't possible I would love guidance on how to log work efficiently without extra issue edits/etc.

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Alexander Evert
July 20, 2011

You can create postfunction with functionality to add worklogs to Issue and add it to resolve transition.

Something similar to this:

    public void execute(Map transientVars, Map args, PropertySet ps) throws FieldValidationException {
WorklogManager worklogManager = ComponentManager.getInstance().getWorklogManager();
WorkflowContext context = (WorkflowContext) transientVars.get("context");
String username = context.getCaller();
Issue issue = (Issue) transientVars.get("issue");
Worklog worklog;
Long timeSpent = issue.getEstimate();
Principal principal = ActionContext.getContext().getPrincipalImpl();
boolean dispatchEvent = false; //Set tot true if you need email notifications
if (timeSpent != null && timeSpent > 0 && principal != null && principal instanceof User) {
worklog = new WorklogImpl(worklogManager, issue, null, username, "Place Log Work Comment Here", new Date(),
null, null, timeSpent);
worklogManager.create((User) principal, worklog, 0L, dispatchEvent);

Moreover you can calculate how long issue was in specific state and log this time as worklog, you can even calculate only working hours between dates.

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