Gadget Dashboard plugin bundle not enabled after Jira install

David Day
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December 23, 2012

I've been trying to get Confluence and Jira installed, and for them to work with Crowd. Started with Confluence and Crowd, and got that working. Went to Jira (which I had installed before), and set it up the same way to use Crowd (added the Crowd User Directory, etc.). After that...I could not log in to Jira! Tried uninstalling, removing external DB, then added external DB again and reinstalled. Everything seemed to run smoothly, but when I started it up, it gave me a warning that the Gadget Desktop plugin bundle was not enabled. I found the entry for it under System Plugins, but no option to enable it. Thought it must have been a glitch in the re-install, so did the whole process again. Unfortunately, same result.

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David Day
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December 30, 2012

Appreciate the helpful responses (AND the great Atlassian documentation!). I tried the following:

  • Changed JAVA_HOME to point to Java 6 instead of 7. Discovered the service had its own variable for Java version, so changed that as well.
  • I added: -Datlassian.plugins.enable.wait=300 to the Java variables for the service. This was the thing that got it working!

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Matheus Fernandes
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December 23, 2012
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Krupasindhu Nayak
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February 27, 2015

Thanks Virendra Singh,

It worked for me.

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Virendra Singh
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September 5, 2013

Thanks Matheus. I have installed Jira for the very first time. This worked for me:

"Delete the directory $JIRA_HOME/plugins/.osgi-plugins and start JIRA up in order to it re-extract the plugins."

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Renjith Pillai
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December 24, 2012

What's your hardware specification? Considering that you have Crowd, Confluence and JIRA on the same node (I assume this from your description), it is mostly a resource crunch. Else as Matheus suggested increase the startup timeout as described in the second link (atlassian.plugins.enable.wait=300)

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