Forking Repo Loses Plug In Settings

Tom Allen August 15, 2018

We currently use the PR Harmony plug-in with Bitbucket Server so that pull requests have to have a certain number of code reviewers pass it and that at least some of those approving are senior developers. 

I'm trying to automate the creation of projects and repos via the Bitbucket REST API and can't work out how to get the plug-in settings to carry over. My plan was to have a default project and repo and then fork that to carry over all the settings, but it doesn't seem to work with plug-ins (or at least PR Harmony) - the settings all are the default values. 

Given I know nothing about the way plug-ins work under the hood, my question is, should forking bring that stuff over? If not, is there another way of creating the settings made by the plug-in (ideally via the REST API)?

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