Filter in/out undesirable label data from Jira Issue JQL

David Hartje June 5, 2024

We have a Jira JQL filter that shows results only for specific values in the "Label" field, but unfortunately the resulting reports display that plus counts for every other "Label" field type value as well.  For example, our Label values might include (a), (a1, b), (a, b2), (c, d), (a1, d2) etc. and we can filter on issues that always have a(something) as a value.  The problem is when displaying the results in a table, we also get results for issues that have more than just the "a(something)" values, such as (b, b2, c, d, d2) if those values are ALSO listed in the same issue that as the "a(something)" value.

Is it possible to create a report that only displays results for "a(something) and "hides" the results of all the other label types?

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