Does Zephyr Traceability require both ZFJ and ZAPI?

Pete July 31, 2018

I'm attempting to generate the traceability report and am not getting any results when selecting any issue type.  

I've confirmed the links between requirements issue type (Story) and their corresponding Test cases.

Does this require ZAPI in addition to Zephyr for JIRA?

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Fraser Colmer [Zephyr]
Marketplace Partner
Marketplace Partners provide apps and integrations available on the Atlassian Marketplace that extend the power of Atlassian products.
August 1, 2018


It shouldn't require ZAPI to perform a traceability report.


Please see the link below to have direct correspondence with our teams support staff. They will be able to answer any further technical questions you may have. (submit a ticket) 

Thank you and hope this helps,

Team Zephyr

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