Changing status and change of select list value of Issue leads to update a new assignee

Ravi Kanth July 20, 2022

Hi Team,
When user change the status from "Reviewed" to "Security Approve" using the transition "Security Approve" and "location" select list Value is "APAC " then the Assignee field should be Updated with specific user "Thomas"
and for the same change of status if the location" select list Value is "AMER " then the Assignee field should be Updated with specific user "Matthew".

Could u plz suggest the appropriate way either it is possible with post function groovy script or through the automation


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John Funk
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July 23, 2022

Hi Ravi,

You can certainly do this using Automation for Jira or ScriptRunner if I am understanding your scenario correctly. So, when the status of an issue changes to a particular status, then assign the issue to a particular user. Correct? If so, then yes, easy to do with Automation. 

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