Can you please help me with JIRA (cloud base) - TeamCity Integration.

JaxonNelson June 7, 2018

Wanted to create test teamcity execution dashboard in JIRA. So I wanted way to integrate JIRA with teamcity.


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Shannon S
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
June 7, 2018

Hi Jaxon,

I was able to find an add-on for this:

Have a look at that and let us know if you have any questions!



JaxonNelson June 8, 2018

Thanks Shannon, This talk about view the build information in JIRA. But I don't know if we can create dashboard gudget in JIRA. We are using teamcity of automaton execution, so wanted to create metrics like no of executions in a particular month.



Shannon S
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
June 14, 2018

Hi Jaxon,

You can definitely create dashboard gadgets in Cloud, but I don't know if the integration includes one for TeamCity. You can reach out to the developer of the add-on to see what sort of features it includes if you have any questions about that.



JaxonNelson June 14, 2018

Hi Shannon, 

My whole point was if integration of teamcity with JIRA cloud is available and will able to create Teamcity execution dashboard in JIRA. Are you saying, I should contact my development team? I already reach out to them they says since its cloud based so not all features are available. So I am reaching out to you guys.




Shannon S
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
June 14, 2018

Hi Jaxon,

TeamCity integration is not built into Jira natively. Thus you would need a 3rd party integration for this, which is what I was recommending earlier.

By my earlier note, I didn't suggest for you to reach out to your development team, but the development team of the add-on should you decide to use it in case there is a missing feature you'd like to have.

There's also an article I found on this 3rd-party site that mentions using the above add-on; perhaps this will help explain how it's used:



JaxonNelson July 9, 2018

Thanks Shannon for providing this link.

I was busy with other work so couldn't replied to your last message.

Is it possible to pull teamcity data into JIRA dashboard. Like if need chart for number of tests ran in teamcity, how many passed etc.




Shannon S
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
July 10, 2018

Hi Jaxon,

I don't have any experience with TeamCity personally, so I don't know if that is possible. What sort of integrations do they offer for external products? 


JaxonNelson July 10, 2018

Even I don't have much info on TeamCity integration. Basically, I wanted to track all execution performed on TeamCity in JIRA, if I can create some kind of dashboard, that will help in getting the total execution numbers. Automation team run around ~40k tests in month, but now I am counting those number manually. So I was looking some kind of dashboard which can pull data from TeamCity.




Uladzislava Kastsitsyna _Stiltsoft_
Atlassian Partner
March 19, 2024

Hi Jaxon,

I represent the team at Stiltsoft which has developed the app TeamCity Integration for Jira. I think that it could fit your use case well. Our app allows you to view build information from TeamCity directly in Jira!

Best regards,

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