Can products from the market place be used in bit bucket cloud? (Jupyter Notebook plugin)

Trading August 7, 2018

I'm unable to find the answer to this question even after going through the documentation and sometimes I feel that maybe it is so basic that perhaps it has been missed. I also tried playing around with the various settings in the butt bucket cloud but could not find anything.

We wanted to commit Jupyter Notebook code. One of the problems of course is that it needs a plug-in which seems to be available in the marketplace. However, I did not see any menu option that allows me to integrate the products in the marketplace into bit bucket cloud. (I am on the free plan right now).

I also wanted to see if gerrit can be integrated but again I have the same issues of how to add it to the bit bucket cloud?

From the marketplace, I can only download it.

So can anyone please help out with the following questions

is there any inbuilt support of Jupyter Notebook can the bit bucket cloud including the ability to see the diff of the file

how do I integrate any of the products from the marketplace into bit bucket cloud assuming that it is possible 

if integrating the products from the marketplace is not possible, what is the proposed way to do a code review on the bit bucket cloud (except using the pull request because sometimes there are certain developers on contract for a few weeks that are not familiar with it and git becomes very difficult to expect to learn all of this in a short period of time)

what is the purpose of my life? (Okay  - you can ignore that-I think I will have to answer that for myself :-))

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