Can not see "manage-addons" option in crowd administration panel

Makareswar Rout August 3, 2018

Hi All,


Can you help me here .


I am a crowd admin but can not see the "manage add-on option"  in crowd administration page ??


I want to install one plugin called 

SecSign ID Two Factor Auth - Crowd


4 answers

2 accepted

1 vote
Answer accepted
Meng Hao August 7, 2019

Hi @Makareswar Rout 

@maguialahmaris right, Crowd does not include an add-on management system.

That's why we created an add-on, called MX Plugin Manager for Crowd, that provide a very similar interface as you can see in jira and most of the JIRA add-on manager.

Of course our Plugin must be installed as described by @maguialahmar but after you get a fully functional Plugin Manager, like in Jira.

Here is the link, you can evaluate it :

Maxinima Plugin Manager for Crowd

Hope it helps!

Frédéric Esnault August 7, 2019

 I wonder why they didn't implement this in Crowd...

Like Makareswar Rout likes this
Makareswar Rout August 7, 2019

Thanks @Meng Hao 

1 vote
Answer accepted
maguialahmar August 7, 2019

Here is the right installation instructions : 

  1. Shut down the Crowd-Server
  2. Navigate to the home-folder of the Crowd installation
  3. Versions older 3.0 : Copy the .jar file of the plugin in the plugin folder
    Versionen newer than 3.0 : Copy the .jar file of the plugin in the shared\plugins folder
  4. Launch the Crowd installation

Please find here more details . 

 There is no add-on management for Crowd for now (as I know). 

1 vote
Meng Hao December 31, 2018

Hi @Makareswar Rout, unfortunately, Crowd does not have a plugin manager yet. This is still an open issue :

This is why we developped our own plugin, bringing the same feeling as Jira's plugin manager to Crowd.

You can try it, just download the trial version here :

Instructions for installing it :

In case you need any information, you can contact us here :

Makareswar Rout August 7, 2019

Thank you 

0 votes
Nic Brough -Adaptavist-
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August 4, 2018

It sounds like you might be a Crowd admin of users, but not an administrator for Crowd.

Makareswar Rout August 5, 2018

I am crowd admin surely.

Nic Brough -Adaptavist-
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August 5, 2018

I don't know.  It sounds like you are not, as you can't get to the add-on pages.

Makareswar Rout August 5, 2018

Ok.  Not sure how can I confirm if I am not crowd admin.  I am part of corwd-administrator group in internal directory.


Kindly see below screen.



Jeff August 14, 2018

I have the same issue, I don't see the add-on menu.  I'm using 3.2.2.  Any solution?

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