Can not move epics...

Mika Jussila
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November 9, 2014


I installed story map plugin trial to cloud-JIRA, but it does not to work properly. I can not sort epics or extend stories to see sub-tasks. Plugin also looks quit different compared to your live demo.

Do I have to configure something or is there bug in cloud plug-in? It seems like cloud version is not up-to-date?


Mika Jussila

6 answers

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I'm New Here
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December 4, 2014

I too would like to track this as I'm trialing this add-on for JIRA cloud. We really need the ability to sort, create, and resize epics. 

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Florian Bauer
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Florian Bauer
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December 19, 2014

Hi there,

later than planed but nevertheless!

today we released version 4.1.0

BUT unfortunately this version does not contain a fix to persist the issue rank or to make epics movable. We are still discussing this issue with Atlassian. The problem is that Jira agile services are not fully available for add ons in the cloud. You can expect a resolution within the early days of January! Currently the cards on the map are ordered by the rank that you defined at your agile board.

Please click the watch button on the marketplace listing to get informed about new versions:

However we published a range of additional features, which are worth to check them out:

# Maps have configurable security and visibility levels
=> share maps with read, write and control permissions
=> specific groups can be addressed
=> favorite maps can be accessed easily
=> subsets of maps: All Maps and My Maps
=> maps can be archived

# By using a query maps are build, that
=> spans multiple projects
=> contains certain issue types
=> filters issues on any field i.e. hide closed Epics

# Deeper integration into jira, which means
=> cards get a context menu with jira operations like edit, assign, create, watch..
=> all sub issues of an issue can be shown as popup

# Maps are synchronized automatically in real time
=> all changes that are made will now be synchronized to the map without the need to refresh the page.
=> issues that are created will appear at the map as well
=> modifications are highlighted by a small animation

# The map's issue order to be the same as in Jira agile
=> story movements are synchronized to Jira agile and back




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James watson December 3, 2014

Hi Florian,

Is there any update on when these changes will arrive?

Florian Bauer
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December 4, 2014

unfortunately we were not able to finish the sprint last week and have to wait for next week. sorry for all circumstances that may cause :( I will post here when it is ready! Florian

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James watson November 25, 2014

Thanks Florian!! Looking forward to it!

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Florian Bauer
Rising Star
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November 21, 2014

Hi Mika

unfortunately the sorting is disabled due to some Atlassian platform problems. But we are working at a workaround which will be published next week.



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