Can WebHook URL contains port number

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August 1, 2018

Hello All,

I am using bit bucket and Jenkins for CI. Its my first time I am trying integrate bitbucket with Jenkins. 

Now the problem after setting web hook in bit bucket for Jenkins, its giving me 403 error on code push. 


I am not understanding why its not triggering Jenkins job. Jenkin has bit bucket plugin and the same URL working when job is set to remotely and hit through browser. 

one thing that I guess can be problematic. Webhook URL contains port no. 

something like

is this causing any problem. 

Could any one help me on the same. 


Thanks in advance. 



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Atlassian Team
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August 2, 2018

The URL can include a port number, yes - and the fact that you're getting a 403 (instead of NET_ERR) means that the URL is properly-formatted and that there's nothing in the network preventing your webhooks from getting to the Jenkins server. HTTP status 403 is "unauthorized", so you should double-check the credentials you've provided for authenticating to Jenkins.

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