Automatização de uma história com várias sub-tarefas

Erodiane Souza da Silva July 21, 2023

Tenho uma história com várias subtarefas.

Quero atualizar a história quando todas as subtarefas forem concluídas em uma determinada etapa da coluna passe para a próxima coluna de maneira automática para a coluna seguinte .

Ex: História X - Status: Em Desenvolvimento (Concluídas todas as sub-tarefas) ir automaticamente para a coluna Aguardando Teste e assim sucessivamente até Done.

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Ste Wright
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August 6, 2023

Hi @Erodiane Souza da Silva 

To confirm, are you looking to...

  • Transition a Story (parent of sub-tasks) when...
  • All its Sub-tasks are in a specific Status?

If yes, see a rule below as an example, where the Story is transitioned when all its Sub-tasks are in "Done"


  • Trigger: Issue Transitioned
    • To Status = Done
  • Condition: Issue Fields Condition
    • Field = Issue Type
    • Condition = equals
    • Value = Sub-task
  • Branch: Related Issues
    • Type = Parent
      • Branch-Condition: Related Issues Condition
        • Related Issues = Sub-tasks
        • Condition = All match specified JQL
        • JQL - status = Done
      • Branch-Action: Transition Issue
        • Destination Status = Done


This rule...

  • Is triggered by issues transitioned to Done
  • Then, it checks the issue which was transitioned was a Sub-task
  • Next, the Branch locates the Sub-task's direct parent - all activities from then on within the Branch are associated with the parent, not the Sub-task
  • The Branch-Condition checks all the parent's Sub-tasks, to ensure they're all in "Done"
  • Finally, it transitions the parent to Done, if the Branch-Condition was passed


You could build a similar rule based on your specific needs :)

Let us know if this helps!

Note: I did try to provide a translated version of this response using Google Translate, but it made a lot less sense!


Erodiane Souza da Silva August 18, 2023

Hi @Ste Wright !!

The automation I would like to do would be the following:


Story X (Father) has two subtasks


Where the subtask has dev 1 with status in development and the other subtask with dev 2 has status Done.


Dev 2 wants to pull the story to the next column of waiting for testing even without DEV 1 having completed it in the In development column, I would like JIRA not to allow the user to pull the story to a next column until the story has the same status, that is, while dev 1 does not put Awaiting Test the story does not go to the next column.

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