Add Options To MLCS Via Rest API

Robert Mayore
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May 24, 2024

Jira Rest version: 2


I am trying to add about 100,000 options spread across 3 levels to our MLCS custom field. I have tried using the bulk upload and it fails (Jira goes down with error 502) when the csv has about 10k rows or more. I have therefore been forced to try to use the Jira API to add those options.

I have looked at this response and I'm trying to understand how to format that request.

1. What endpoint is this request being made to? From the documentation I can't see a customField request that takes a request body of that nature.

2. From the logs attached in that question, I can see the request is (maybe) being made to /rest/api/latest/issue/. Is that correct? I am trying to update the field options for all issues, not one specific issue.

Given the custom field id customfield_12345, I will appreciate an example of how to add 3 levels of options to the field using the rest API.

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