Full stack developer

I'm New Here
I'm New Here
Those new to the Atlassian Community have posted less than three times. Give them a warm welcome!
February 23, 2025

I am self-motivated, reliable, responsible and hard-working person. 

I am a mature team worker and adaptable to all challenging situations. 

I am able to work well both in a team environment as well as using 

own initiative. I am able to work well under pressure and adhere to strict 

deadlines. I am ready to help team achieve company goals. 



Link: https://github.com/suleyman2004/Travel_project 

Stack: Html, CSS(Sass), JavaScript, React, material UI 

Packages: mui/icons-material, styled-components, 


Description: You can search and find available and 

affordable hotels 

Animal list 

Link: https://codesandbox.io/p/sandbox/animals-forked- 


Stack: Html, CSS, TypeScript, React 

Packages: loader-utils, loadash.debounce 

Description: There has got search(include animal’s 

name and amount of animal), animal’s list(shows 4 

animals but you can change it) and prev and next 

buttons for navigate to a different page. 

Item list 

Link: https://codesandbox.io/p/sandbox/good-list- 


Stack: Html, CSS, TypeScript, React, 

Packages: loader-utils 

Description: There has got item’s name, manufacturer, 

description and review 

Express Book Reviews 




Stack: Html, CSS, JavaScript, Express.js, Node.js 

Packages: axios, body-parser, express-session, 

jsonwebtoken, nodemon 

Description: General user can access all the books available in the shop 

and get all books based on ISBN, Author, Title, Review. Once a user register 

with the app, they are able to add or modify and delete book reviews. 

Car dealership 

Link: https://github.com/suleyman2004/xrwvm- 


Stack: Html, CSS, JavaScript, React, Bootstrap, 

Express.js, Python, Django, Mongo, IBM Cloud, Docker, 


Packages: Cors, mongodb, react-dom, react-router- 

dom, react-scripts, web-vitals 

Description: You can see cars with their reviews. You 

can register, login, add review. You can get cars by 

year, id, name.



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