Here is an article about an Australian company that stopped employees coming into the office on Wednesday without a pay cut.
This relates to an Off Topic thread I posted recently that might have been better suited for the Job and Careers group.
Would Wednesdays off work suit you? What do you dislike or like about this idea?
I only skimmed the article, but are they really working 32 hours rather than 40? I'm actually surprised. It's fairly typical for salaried workers to work 45 hours during a 5-day week in the U.S. Are they really working 8-hour days on the other four or 10+ hours that day?
I definitely wouldn't mind 3-day weekends , even if I worked longer the other four days.
Some workplaces are keeping salaries the same while reducing in-office hours by 20%!
Robin, they work 4 8-hour days, with Wednesdays off. They chose the midweek day, as opposed to three-day weekends for a number of good reasons. I would love it. I've worked 4 10s and the 9 hour days with the second Friday off. Neither of those works for me. I would rather have a midweek day off. That way each week is divided into two mini-weeks in which you have to get stuff done.
I certainly wouldn't mind giving it a try!
I would love to see the company metrics on resources and deliverables working 32 hours a week keeping salaries the same.