JWM Epic Automation Multi-Layer Help

Jasmine Pennala June 2, 2023

Hi everyone, 

I need some help figuring out an Epic automation. We currently have an automation set up as follows but it is not working: 

When issue is created, and issue type equals X. For current Issue then: Edit issue fields.
Facility - Copy Facility from Trigger Issue
Member Alerts - Add Member Alerts from Parent Issue

My goal for this automation is when a regular task is created from the epic then certain fields from the epic would be copied over. 

 Thanks in advance! 

Screenshot (46).png

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Mikael Sandberg
Community Leader
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June 2, 2023

Hi @Jasmine Pennala,

Welcome to Atlassian Community!

The way you have the automation set up currently would mean that the issue that is triggering it would get the value from itself. Here is an automation that we have that copies the fix version from the epic:

Screenshot 2023-06-02 at 11.33.16 AM.png 

Jasmine Pennala June 2, 2023

Hi Mikael! Thank you so much for responding

I made the changes you sent and it is still not working correctly. I am not sure what is going wrong here. I attached the action details

MicrosoftTeams-image (63).png

Mikael Sandberg
Community Leader
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June 2, 2023

What does you rule look like? Based on the audit log it is failing on related issues condition.

Jasmine Pennala June 2, 2023

This is what the rule looks like

Screenshot (48).pngScreenshot (47).png

Mikael Sandberg
Community Leader
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June 2, 2023

Okay, so it looks like your issue is not linked to an epic and that is why the rule is not passing the second condition. So when you create your issue you also have to link it to your epic for the automation to work.

Jasmine Pennala June 2, 2023

Thank you so much for your help Mikael! It works now

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