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Group by epic

Dean Turturici June 3, 2024

When will we be able to "Group by Epic" on Jira Business projects (formerly Jira Work Management)?  I'm currently running a Jira Software project, but it's not a good fit for my team.  I want to migrate to a "business" project because it has great OOB reporting.  But, you can't group the Board by Epic, which is what we're using on our Jira Software board.  I'd hate to migrate only to have it become a terrible problem for the team.  Does anyone have insight as to if/when this may happen?  Is it an official "feature request" yet?  If not, not do we make it so?

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Trudy Claspill
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June 3, 2024

Hello @Dean Turturici 

Welcome to the Atlassian community.

There is a change request for that, to which you should add your vote:

If you view that issue you will see in the Feedback Policy field a link to the new feature policy, which will tell you more about how Atlassian decides what to implement.

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