Giving access to only a subset of issues in Jira

Istvan Fay March 8, 2023


I am quite a novice user of Jira, and have confronted the issue described below. There are two companies: company A and company B. Company A generates a product for company B. Company B uses the product, and put their issues / errors to correct / ideas into their Jira as tickets. For company B it would be convenient when they would need to write down the issue only once, and give access to representatives of company A to Jira. Company A could read and update the ticket in the Jira of company B. However, company B does not want company A to have access to every ticket, but only to those selected tickets. Is it possible to give access to some selected tickets for company A?

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Trudy Claspill
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March 8, 2023

Hello @Istvan Fay 

Is this related to your other post at

The answers to the same questions I asked there are needed here.

With Jira Service Management projects it is possible to limit a person's access to issues by making the user a Customer of the Service Management project and Sharing only specified issues with that person. They would be able to see the issue only through Company B's Service Management Portal, and the Company A person would not consume a license for Company B's Jira.

With Jira Cloud there is a concept called Issue Security that can also be used to limit visibility of issues to users. Refer to 

In this case the Company A person would have to be a licensed user of Company B's Jira.

Istvan Fay March 10, 2023

Yes, the two issues are plans to set up Jiras optimally:

  • One side suggests to have one common Jira, and give limited access to representants of the other company.
  • The other side suggests to have separate Jiras, and build links between the tickets

What both sides want to avoid is to manually copy / paste from one Jira into the other one :) 

Trudy Claspill
Community Leader
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March 10, 2023

Either of your ideas is possible.

I responded on your other post with some information about synchronizing information between two Jira instances.

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