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×Hi JPD team,
We have collected a lot of customer feedback as ideas, and it would be awesome if JPD could help use summarize all that feedback. So, I am dreaming about a feature where I could feed all these ideas to an AI and get a nice summary back.
Something like:
Select 1000 ideas and ask AI to have a look at them. When the AI is done doing its magic, The AI writes to me.
AI: I have read through all of the feedback you have captured, and I am now ready to help you understand what matters most to your customers. Let me start with the top topics that your customers give feedback about [topic will show here. it could include user management].
me: Thanks. I can see that a user management is in the top. What are the most requested features for user management.
AI: Sure, 13% of the feedback is about Google Workspace SSO. It seems that your customers need support for Google Workspace SSO in addition to Azure AD SSO. Would you like me the list the customers?
me: Sure...
Amazing idea!
The insights functionality is unfortunately quite lacking IMO. We are often confronted with stakeholders who want to get an overview of all insights related to a certain goal/product.
Often hear the phrase "insights hub"
Having the insights inside each idea and with no way to filter/sort them is a bit of a missed opportunity. Labeling and impact is possible, but you can't use that functionality in - for example - a view.
Hi all, thanks for the feedback. The insights feature is probably the least complete part of the product today, and one that we plan to improve. Your feedback helps for that.
Hey Sam, nice to see such post. I’m developing IdeaHub app and planning to release it in July. It includes features that help you find duplicate ideas, analyze insights and more.
Recently, I have shared couple articles I wrote about importance of insights here at Atlassian community, I think this topic is important and we should discuss it as much as possible.
We are giving early access to our first lighthouse users. Would you mind if we chat sometime next week (text or call)?