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Stakeholder - Description override

Sebastian Pechhold November 2, 2023


i've noticed a new option in JPD. Anyone an idea what this is?

Screenshot 2023-11-02 at 09.11.37.png

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Vlad Zinculescu
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
November 2, 2023

We introduced this feature because users have been asking us for a way to use a "public description" when sharing a view instead of showing the default one. With this feature, you can assign any short text field ( for now ) to be displayed instead of the description when sharing a view.

Thanks for your feedback @Sebastian Pechhold! This is very useful.

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Sebastian Pechhold November 2, 2023

Thank you!

Chad Nauman November 2, 2023

Has this been rolled out to all sites? I don't see these options on my instance.


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