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Shared Views (Creators, Contributors and Stakeholders)

Gavin Steele February 12, 2024

Some additional control on visibility and editability  would be nice.


Freeze column(s) in a specific view

I would like to be able to 'freeze' columns in a view. This would render the data in that column on that view only, read-only.

I am setting up views for multiple teams, but pull in related columns for reference or guidance. I want to prevent some creators from editing some columns in that view (by mistake mostly, but they might think they relate to their work).


Column specific edit options

I have a number of PMs in one view (Single product area), I would like to restrict edit access to a specific column to creator. For example, the team lead assigns work, so I would like to restrict that field to the team lead.


Create Form

I would like to be able to lock down the view that is used by the create form. This prevents changes and errors to be made.

I would also like to be able to include fields on that form that are set with a default value and not visible to the form.



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