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Managing access to views

Garrett Olsen December 21, 2023

I've seen a few discussions around being able to limit access to views for creators only, which I think would be incredibly useful so that we can present a clean, curated set of views to the wider organization without also giving access to the internal working things.

However, I'd also add that I would love to be able to create a view that is private to myself. This would allow me to do things like create working lists for underdeveloped ideas that are basically notes to myself to look into later, or a filtered view of the ideas I'm actively working on at the moment, without showing those to everyone in the organization.

It seems like this kind of functionality would be quite clean to implement on the Share menu for the view, with some manage access options like "everyone", "creators only", and "private". 

The upcoming Stakeholder features seem useful for showing things to users outside of the organization, but I haven't seen anything about managing access for users within. Let me know if I'm incorrect about that. Thanks!

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Tanguy Crusson
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
December 22, 2023

Hi @Garrett Olsen thanks for the feedback! 

With the stakeholder feature you'll be able to share a view with a subset of users inside our outside the company (and they'll only be able to access this view, not the whole project)

But we still see a need for more granular view permissions as well, where your feedback fits. It's something we plan to explore. 

Garrett Olsen January 2, 2024

Got it, that's good to know. Is there any (rough) estimate for the stakeholder feature release (like, is it likely to be in the first quarter/half of the year or later)?

Thanks for the reply @Tanguy Crusson !


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