Linked Issues or Link to Idea(s) in Advanced Roadmap

Sheri Widler
July 5, 2023

We have many delivery tickets linked to many ideas.  It would be nice as a product owner to see all ideas linked to the delivery tickets in advanced roadmaps.  I know clicking on an epic / delivery ticket in advanced roadmaps you can see linked items but it would be nice as a column to see how many ideas link to a delivery ticket.  


Rohan Swami
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
July 6, 2023

hi @Sheri Widler thanks for sharing your feedback. Why is it important to see this info in Advanced Roadmaps specifically as opposed to throughout Jira Software?

Mirko Grahnert
July 6, 2023

Hey @Rohan Swami 

I agree with Sheri: being able to display JPD tickets in Advanced Roadmaps would be incredibly helpful. For context: We currently use the 'idea' issue type in JPD to track our initiatives - instead of setting up an additional 'initiative' level in the issue hierarchy in Jira Software (as described here).

Hope this makes sense. 


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