Jira Product Discovery - Insights for Aggregated data

Siobhan Doyle June 20, 2024


We have been using insights to collate customer feedback from interviews and surveys as evidence for Customer problems that we have logged as Ideas in Jira Product Discovery. This works well for individual qualitative data and we have a scoring system for impact. 
One thing we are really struggling with is how to add aggregated data that shows trends - a couple of examples:

  • aggregated survey data e.g 95 users said they find it challenging to find the home page 
  • platform metrics such as user behaviour data that validate a problem

Can we use insights for this? or is it more for qualitative data/individual customer feedback. 


1 comment

Tanguy Crusson
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
June 24, 2024

Hi @Siobhan Doyle , what apps do you use for interviews/surveys/analytics? This would help figure out how to best help you.

Siobhan Doyle July 17, 2024

Hi @Tanguy Crusson  thanks so much for getting back to me and apologies for delayed response!

We are using Dovetail for reviewing and collating highlights/insights from our interviews, we find this really helpful for pulling insights into JPD as we can just take the highlights and use the chrome extension to add them as insights. 

We use pretty basic tools for surveys, a mix of MS forms and Qualtrics - we have been using dovetail to pull individual survey responses into JPD as insights, this has been ok but needs to be per response, rather than aggregated data. We are also operating on the free version of Dovetail right now, but hoping to get budget soon to upgrade.

Analytics - we are using google analytics & MS clarity, we are also investigating Hotjar currently too. 

Something we are considering too is whether aggregate data should actually just be telling us where the problems are and help us to identify the problem spaces / metrics that we care about / how we know if we are solving a problem and the insights are about understanding that problem to design a solution? Though it seems from your work that you are definitely using insights to validate problems - do you use analytics to do this too? and if so how do you record that?

We are a fairly new product team, and the first one in our org so appreciate any help/advice you can give us!


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