Is there a way to import a large number of Jira tickets into Jira Product Discovery? I have a massive amount of Jira tickets residing in both Service Management and Software Development projects that I'd like to import into Jira Product Discovery. Can I import them in bulk?
That's a great question @Nate Dame and something we haven't really got a good solution for today.
One first step we're thinking of taking in that directio is adding support for insights in Project Automation. E.g. so you can automatically add a Jira issue to an idea as an insight by adding a label on the issue.
To be continued!
Sure! But WAY better would be something in-app with text highlighting. Because some issues (descriptions, comments) get HUUUGE and long, so connecting an entire issue isn't always good. You just want to connect some text.
Sure that's what the Chrome extension is for.
But what if there was something better that Discovery users could do in EVERY Atlassian product? Like this perhaps? :) :)
Here's a gif, but basically this functionality happens after you highlight text:
This is from Productboard, which BTW I am happily transitioning away from to Jira Product Discovery.
But imagine that, if Discovery users could, without an extension, from ANY Jira product, highlight any text and link it to a Discovery issue or create a new one...... 🤯
Ah yes Ok I see what you mean. We definitely looked at things like this @Nate Dame and the Chrome extension is a stop gap solution for things like that :) But there's a fair bit of work involved there, so it just won't be in the short term. The outcome would be that you can do that from any text field in any Atlassian product (Jira comments/descriptions, Confluence pages/blogs/comments, etc.) - because they all use the same editor.
Oh for sure, I understand that would be a bit of a project :) But would be a game changer to me personally, and I imagine a real nice "suck people in / stick them in the Atlassian ecosystem" move.
Imagine it for other product use cases too? Same workflow to create any issue (bug, etc. etc.).
Give me a microphone and I'll dream 🤣
Hahaha I love the passion mate!
Do you see in Confluence, when you select some text, there's a little menu that pops up with an option to "comment" - what's where we want to plug that as an extra option
Totally. That's a great start especially if you're building into existing infrastructure. But it's just as much - if not more - needed within Jira products IMO.
@Jonathan Hau we haven't built anything specific for this, but you should be able to bulk move issues from one project to another (and preserve things like description and comments).
You might want to try that on a couple of issues first though!
We just did a bulk move from another company-managed software project and it worked well! Have not tested team-managed projects but we don’t really use them.
Awesome, thanks for the feedback @Karl Mentzer !
> Have not tested team-managed projects but we don’t really use them.
Well, now you do :) Jira Product Discovery is built on top of team-managed projects
If I'm looking to do a bulk move and there's a multi-checkbox field, can I move multiple tickets at one time or do I need to break them down into the various combinations of that field's checkbox? I'd like to just have old_field -> new_field and the selected options copy over.
I think that should work @Seth Mason, that's what the bulk import tool is supposed to do in Jira - I'd test it on a couple of test issues first though if I were you :)
Been trying this and the bulk tool makes me fill in the destination field's checkboxes :(