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Hubspot support for Insights!

Rob Parrish September 28, 2023

I'm wondering the timeline for JIRA Product Discovery to support Hubspot for idea insights? 

Specifically, it's to fulfill a use case similar to this one for Salesforce:

This is becoming a blocker for us, as this data is critical to our overall end-to-end prioritization process. I'd much rather stick with Product Discovery than churn to another tool. But, these insights are key!


P.S. I'd also welcome suggestions of workarounds - we've started to consider things like trying to use Zapier, or even just creating a normal JIRA project for our input ideas, and just using Product Discovery for roadmap management. Unfortunately, so far, these all seem like too much overhead. But, maybe someone else has figured it out?


Tanguy Crusson
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
October 2, 2023

Hi Rob,

What were you hoping to achieve in Jira Product Discovery with HubSpot?

To be honest his is not on the roadmap for the moment - the main reason is lack of demand for now (which plays a big part in how we prioritize): we only had 4 requests about this so far including yours. 

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Rob Parrish October 2, 2023

Bummer! We're looking for a very similar set of Capabilities you show off in your salesforce CRM integration. Bringing in Deal & Account level attributes, to perform prioritization based on & keep track of customer requests at an account level (e.g. filter to account name in JIRA product discovery, to see all of their requests)

Based on what you show off with the Salesforce integration here:

I brought Product Discovery into my last org as well during beta, which is also a Hubspot shop.

Rob Parrish October 2, 2023

Hi @Tanguy Crusson -

Bummer! We're focused on being able to bring in Hubspot object metadata (e.g. Deal $$$ size, details from the Account object), to use for prioritization.

Very similar to the use case shown in the earlier demo you completed leveraging Salesforce in November of last year (

This will also help us to look at all the ideas submitted by a single account. With over 500 different customers, manually managing a picklist of account names is not very feasible.

Does this clarify?

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Tanguy Crusson
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
October 4, 2023

Thanks for the feedback Rob. It makes complete sense. 

For tagging customers on ideas, we're currently looking at another solution which is to leverage the "Customer/Organization" fields from Jira Service Management - which can (or will) be synced with Salesforce (and I believe - could be wrong, need to check - HubSpot)

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Adam Salow
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March 15, 2024

There have been quite a few comments asking for this integration since the initial post. What's the likely hood of this getting on the roadmap soon? 

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Pablo Botas October 18, 2023

We have a similar need here. It's important to be able to do this. Alternatively, is there a way to import such data into a Discovery from a CSV?

For instance having a list of Discovery ideas (ID or link or similar) and having total deal values or volume or similar entity. Also it'd be ideal to have for instance a list of customers requesting each idea.

We are currently doing this manually and it's not great to say the least.

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Pablo Botas October 18, 2023

Any ideas for workarounds?

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Rob Parrish October 28, 2023

I haven't figured out any approaches for a work around yet. Will ping back here if we figure out one.

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Christopher Burgahn October 27, 2023

We would love that as well.

We have customer meetings logged in Hubspot.

This is our source then for feedback & insights. 

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Tom Gorenbar Peled June 24, 2024


Adam Salow
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November 10, 2023

We would also like this.

Specifically, it would be great if we could connect a Hubspot deal as an insight and pull from it certain values such as customer name, deal size, etc that would show as fields in the idea and contribute to it's prioritization. 

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Sylvain Lagarde February 7, 2024

I am wondering if it's possible to push idea from Hubspot to JPD ?

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Daniel Ahlberg
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March 15, 2024

We would have a lot of value from this solution as well

Gabriella Addonisio March 15, 2024

I would also like this.  Today I sat in on a demo with who allows you to create insights directly from HS pulling in all HS company/revenue data to allow for better prioritization. But it also allows sales and CS to see the status of any feature a customer has asked for. 

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April 9, 2024

+1 to the idea

Tom Gorenbar Peled June 24, 2024

I'm currently evaluating three product discovery and roadmapping tools (JPD, Productboard and Savio). There are a few things I really like about JPD -

  • The snappy UX
  • The ease in which I can build custom views for different stakeholders or purposes on the same shared set of ideas
  • The OOTB templates are really clever and provide good rails for creators or ideas (many are not part of the product org)

But I find it impossible to prioritize product investments in a data driven way without having key customers, MRR and feedback (insights) coming from the CRM our sales and customer success are using (HubSpot).

In the JPD demo you do put an emphasis on 'impact vs effort' assessment and even mention 'key customers' as the field a colleague is asking for. Data coming from HubSpot is key to compute impact/value. 

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Tom Gorenbar Peled July 16, 2024

I thought I'd share the impact of the lack of features around insights integration.
Not having an integration with HubSpot, and as far as I can tell not having an API where I could implement a pipeline using something like Zapier to push Hubspot tickets as insights into JPD, made us go with Productboard (among other pluses Productbaord have). 

Daiana Ganiewich
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July 16, 2024

Hi. We'd also need Hubspot support on insights. 
Is there any update on this feature?
Thank you.


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