Dear Community,
according to,users%20in%20Jira%20Product%20Discovery.&text=Please%20note%20that%20we%20often,(read%2Donly)%20view. creators are able to create and edit fields. However, we realized that it's not possible for our creators to edit a field or add a new value for a field. Is there any chance to allow that without giving admin rights?
Hi @Rebecca Graf ,
'Creatots' should be able to edit ideas. 'contributors', on the other side, currently can't. Do you mean 'contributors' in your instance are not able to edit? This has been suggested in other post, and it seems that Atlassian has been assessing it:
Hi Denis and Carlos,
I am definitely talking about Creators, not Contributors. My colleagues was trying to edit fields (add new fields or create new values for existing fields), but the function is not available for her.
According to the table above it should be possible.
@Rebecca Graf if your colleague has the neccessary group memberships it should work as you described. Could be a bug but I would double check the assigend rights. Did it once work before? Maybe the colleague has to be part of more groups and an admin on your side could help researching this.
Hello Rebecca,
The word "Creator" is a bit confusing because it refers both to
To create and edit fields you need to be *licensed* in JPD, so you are a "Creator" at the site level, but in the project role, you need to be an *Administrator*.
It's not possible for licensed users who are in the project role "Creator" to create or edit fields in this project.
I hope it helps,